JUMP TOHelios CCS APIsActiveDirectoryGet the list of Active Directories.getRegister an Active Directory.postGet Domain Controllers of specified domains.getSearch AD Principals by prefixpostRefresh trusted domains of AD config.putUpdate an Active Directory.putUnregister an Active Directory.postAgentGet agent images details.getAlertGet list of helios alerts.getList the Alert Resolutions in Cohesity system.getCreate an Helios Alert Resolution.postGet alerts summary on Helios.getAuditLogGet helios audit logs.getGet helios audit logs actions.getGet helios audit logs cluster users.getDownload helios audit logs.getGet helios audit logs entity types.getGet Helios Audit Log Settings.getUpdate Helios Audit Log Settings.putCertificateGet the Helios SSL Certificate.getCopyStatsGet copy details.postClusterRegistrationFetch claim tokens for an accountgetGenerate a cluster claim tokenpostDelete a cluster claim token by token UUIDdeleteClusterManagementFetch compatible clusters for release version.getClusters information with upgrade details.getGet all releases present in the db.getFetch the cluster upgrade details.getUpdates scheduled cluster upgrades.putInitiates instant and scheduled cluster upgrade.postCancels scheduled cluster upgrades.deleteFetch upgrade info.getDMSGet the list of supported regions by Cohesity DMaaS across all service providers.getGet the list of regions enabled for a tenant in Cohesity DMaaS.getAdd Cohesity DMaaS service in a given list of regions for the given tenant.postResume the provision of Cohesity DMaaS service from the last point of failure for a tenant in a region.patchGet the AWS cloud sources registered in DMaaS by a tenant.getUpdate an AWS cloud source for a tenant in DMaaS.putRegister an AWS cloud source for a tenant in DMaaS.postDelete an AWS cloud source registered for a tenant in DMaaS.deleteVerify the AWS cloud source's connectivity. This is performed by trying to assume tenant's AWS IAM role internally in DMS.getGet the KMS key assigned by the tenant to a given region.getUpdate KMS key info that was previously added to a region within Cohesity DMaaS service.putAdd KMS key info to a region within Cohesity DMaaS service.postDelete a KMS key info associated region within Cohesity DMaaS service for a given tenant.deleteDSPMGet DSPM runs.getPerform actions for a DSPM schedule.postHeliosDataProtectStatsData-Protect Usage StatisticsgetRPaaS Usage StatisticsgetHeliosIdentityProviderGet the list of IDP configurationsgetCreate an Identity Provider ConfigurationpostUpdate an IDP ConfigurationputDelete an IDP configurationdeleteHeliosNotificationsGet helios notificationsgetHeliosPrincipalsGet all principals on helios.getCreate a principal on helios.postGet a specified principal details.getUpdate a specified principal.putDelete a specified principal.deleteIdentityProviderCreate an Identity Provider Configuration.postGet the list of IDP configurations.getCreate an Identity Provider Configuration.postList IDP PrincipalsgetCreate an Identity Provider Configuration.postGet IDP Principal by SIDgetUpdate IDP Principal.putDelete an IDP Principal.deleteList details about single Identity Provider configuration.getUpdate IDP Configuration.putDelete a IDP configuration.deleteMFAGet MFA PreferencesgetUpdate MFA PreferencesputInitiate OTP from Helios.postObjectGet Object activity on Helios.postGet Object activity on Helios.getGet last protection run of objects.postUpdate multiple runs of one or more objects.putList the snapshots for a given object.getGet stats for a given object.getGet the object archival run stats.getGet the summary for a given object.getGetTenantObjectIdspostPolicyList Policies based on provided filtering parameters.getCreate a Policy.postList details about a single Protection Policy.getUpdate a Protection Policy.putDelete a Policy.deleteProtectionGroupGet Protection Group activity on Helios.postGet the list of Protection Groups.getCreate a Protection Group.postList details about single Protection Group.getUpdate a Protection Group.putDelete a Protection Group.deleteRecoveryGet Recoveries on Helios.getGet Recovery by Id on Helios.getSourceGet a List of Protection Sources.getRegister a Protection Source.postGet a Protection Source registration.getUpdate Protection Source registration.putDelete Protection Source Registration.deleteTest connection to a source.postRpaasReturn valid temporary RPaaS KMS credentials.postAn endpoint to pair a cluster with one or more RPaaS regions.postGet the list of RPaaS regions enabled for a helios account and tenantgetAdd Cohesity RPaaS service in a given list of regions for the given account.postRemove Cohesity RPaaS region for a given account and tenant.deleteReturn valid temporary RPaaS S3 credentials.postRigelmgmtAPI to update the number of connectors in the AWS connection.putList the upload and download bandwidth limits for a connection.getUpdates bandwidth limits for a connection.putGet the stats for one or more Connections.postUpdate connection.putDelete rigel connection.deleteGet connector connectivity information.getTrigger connectivity check for SaaS connector.postGet rigel connectivity check endpoints.getGet the stats for one or more Connectors.postGet the download link for Rigel image.getRenew a claim token with group id.postGet the list of Rigel Group information.getUpdate SaaS connection.putCreate Rigel Group and associated claim token.postUpgrade status of rigel group.get/mcm/rigelmgmt/rigel-groups/upgradepostGet the list of Rigel instance information.getUpdate rigel's name, ip and software version.putDelete Rigels for the given region and tenant.deleteClaim Rigel instance.postUpdate rigel's support channel access.putSearchSearch for indexed objects.postSecurityIntegrationList security integrationsgetAdd security integrationpostUpdate security integrationputDelete security integrationdeleteSecurityGet the anomaly details.getUpdates the anomaly notification threshold.putStatsCompute stats of last Protection Run of Protection Policies.getCompute stats of last Protection Run across all objects.getFetch the throttling stats of a source.getTenantGet Tenants Config.getUpdate Tenant's Config.patchGet Tenant's config for all clusters.getUpdate Tenant's config for clusters.postGet a list of tenants.getCreate a new Tenant on Helios.postGet Tenant Statistics.getDelete a Tenant on Helios.deleteUpdate Tenant properties on Helios.patchPerform actions on a Helios Tenant.postAssign properties to a tenant.putAssign a Cluster to a tenant.postEnable Helios Management for Tenant.postUserGet a list of available tenant access available to the logged in User.getData Insights REST APIDatasetsGet the datasetsgetCreate a new datasetpostGet the dataset details.getGet the datasets' details.getCancel indexing of a datasetpostDelete the datasetdeleteUpdate the datasetpatchSpecify the action to perform on datasetspostGet the list of dataset discovery results at a level.getGet the summary of a dataset discover result.getGenerate meaningful question recommendations for the user to ask.postObjectsGet the objects.getLLMsGet the registered LLMsgetRegister a LLMpostUpdate a LLMputUnregister LLMdeleteConversationssend a query to the specified llmpostGet the chat historygetsend a query to the specified llm, receive a streaming responsepostQueryFeedbackProvide feedback on a query responsepostDocumentsGet the document details.getAccountConfigGet the configuration for AccountgetUpdate account configpostEnable/Disable chat history.postGet llm related config for an account.getUpdate llm related config for an account.postConversationBotThe cohesity Conversation AI bot.postSupportedRegionsGet supported regionsgetSecurity Center APIsHeliosTaggingCreates a new tag.postReturns a list of tags.getUpdate a tag by uuid.patchDelete a tag by uuid.deleteTags actions on objects or snapshots.patchLists associated tags.postStreamsReturns stream information.getCreates a Stream.postUpdates a Stream by ID.putDeletes a Stream by ID.deletePerforms an action on the given Stream.postFortKnox Service APIFortknoxCreate FortKnox vaults.postGet Fortknox vaults.getPair clusters with fortknox vaults.postAdd KMS key config for FortKnox.postPerform actions on a FortKnox vault.postGet FortKnox transfer time configurations.getUpdate FortKnox transfer time configuration.putData Mobility APIsSitesGet sites.getCreate new site.postGet a site by ID.getDelete a site by ID.deleteUpdate a site by ID.putApplicationsCreate a new application.postGet applications.getGet an application by ID.getUpdate an application by ID.putDelete an application by ID.deleteGet application versions.getGet replicated snapshots for an application.getDRPlanCreate a DR plan.postGet DR plans.getGet a DR plan by ID.getDelete a DR plan by ID.deleteUpdate a DR Plan by ID.putPerform an action on a DR plan.postGet actions.getGet an action by ID.getPerform operations on a DR plan action.postReportsExport a report.postHealthChecksInitiate health check.postObjectsInitiate asynchronous operations.postGet an operation by ID.getStatsGet detailed statistics.postHelios Reporting APIsArtifactsFetch report artifact for taskgetComponentsList Report ComponentsgetFetch a Report ComponentgetFetch Preview of components.postFetch Preview of a component.postFiltersGet resourcespostReportsList properties of a report typegetList ReportsgetFetch a ReportgetFetch a Report PreviewpostExport a ReportpostSchedulesList all schedules.getCreate a SchedulepostFetch a SchedulegetUpdate a ScheduleputDelete a ScheduledeleteRun a schedule on demand.postUpdate Schedules StatepostTasksFetch TasksgetFetch a TaskgetRack Appliance Management APIsAccessTokenCreate a new API access tokenpostAlertGet alerts summary.getBaseosPatchManagementApplies the given baseos patch.postDownloads the given baseos patch.postGet available baseos patchesgetGet Baseos patch application loggetCleans up the given baseos patch files.postMFAReturns the current MFA configuration.getStores the updated MFA configuration.patchCreates a new OTP to be sent to the linux support user email.postVerify the totp code for support user.postOneHeliosGet Health Status for ServicesgetGet Helios install logs.getGet Helios Upgrade LogsgetPatchManagementGet applied patchesgetRevert patchespostGet available patchesgetApply patchespostImport patchesputGet patch operation statusgetGet patches historygetPlatformGet list of chassisgetImport Crl FileputList Nodes of the cluster.getGet cluster operations status.getAssimilate disks.postDiscover new disksgetIdentify a diskpostGet list of disksgetGet remote disksgetAdd remote diskpostRemove remote diskdeleteMark Disk for removalpostGet Kubernetes Infra Health StatusgetFetch Node General InformationgetIdentify nodepostMark Node for removalpostStatsGet Time Series Stats.getSupportGet support user configuration.getUpdate support user configuration.putValidates the support user credentials.postSyslogRemove syslog serversdeleteGet list of syslog servers.getAdd Syslog ServerpostGet cluster audit tags.getUpdate cluster audit tags.postGet supported program names.getRemove syslog server by iddeleteGet a syslog server by id.getPatch a syslog server by id.patchUpdate a syslog server by id.putGet a syslog server reachability status.getUserGet Users.getAdd one or more users to Cohesity Cluster.postDelete one or more Cohesity users.postDelete user sessionsdeleteGet sessions countgetCreate a user sessionpostDelete a Cohesity (LOCAL/IdP/AD) user.deleteGet User by SID.getUpdate User information.putNimbus REST APIBackupGet backup configuration.getUpdate backup configuration.putDelete backup configuration.deleteRetrieve backup statuses.getTrigger a backup run.postRetrieve backup logs for a specific run.getRestoreTrigger a restore run.postReturns the current MFA configuration.get https://example.com/v2/support-user/mfaReturns the current MFA configuration for support user.